Yu Mincho family was first developed with a concept, a Mincho typeface which can set historical novels. Regular weight is the core of this family designed to be used for hardcover and paperback books’ main text. Even sizes of Kanji characters gives a modern impression, while Hiragana and Katakana are traditional style. This match of modern and traditional distinguishes Yu Mincho from the other Mincho typefaces.
* Please note that the ones named Pr6 includes both Pr6 and Pr6N. Pr6N supports JIS X0213:2004, Pr6 supports JIS90.
游明朝体ファミリーは「時代小説が組めるような明朝体」をキーワードに、単行本や文庫などで小説を組むことを目的に開発した游明朝体 Rを核とした明朝体ファミリーです。