Download Hyperizo Font Family From AbtoCreative

Download Ametis Font Family From Larin Type Co

Download Zuume Font Family From Adam Ladd

Download Piolin Font Family From JVB

Download Bubble Point Font Family From Howcolour
Download Poppin Font Family From Kustomtype

Download Agatho Font Family From Andfonts
Download Bouncer™ Font Family From Ingrimayne Type

The letters in Bouncer are round because they all begin as a ball and then have parts of the ball cut away. Bouncer was one of the earliest typefaces from Ingrimayne Type. Lower-case letters are smaller versions of the upper-case letters.
BouncerTwo, designed twenty years after the original Bouncer, continues playing with the idea of making letters by cutting out parts of a circle, but in this case the circles are interlocking. All letters are upper-case but some of those on the lower-case keys differ from those on the upper-case keys. BouncerTwo is eye-catching but not highly legible.
Download URLOP Font Family From Mikołaj Grabowski

Colour is more fun than black, but multicolour is even better. Let me introduce URLOP, a wide type family suitable for your fancy posters, headlines, covers, illustrations, websites, initials, blackmails, chronicles, signboards, poems and many others. Twelve basic styles, which make the overall construction, give a wide range of opportunities. All of them, being able to mix with each other, vary from a thin INSIDE, through a medium FILL, to a double-stem PLUS styles. And then comes a range of colour fonts, so you don’t have to waste any of your precious time for experiments, because I’ve already done it for you!
URLOP is an all-caps display collection consisting of three sub-families of fonts, divided by the usage they are designed for. First of all, there is a wide range of alphabets made in the new OpenType-SVG colour fonts format. This is quite a novelty and a very promising technology at the same time. It allows designers to store colour information inside the font. Due to my experience with layered colour thinking that I explored in my first family - Epilepsja, I decided to make several preset layer combinations in this auspicious format. This sub-group is tagged RGB. Make sure that your field of usage and software support OT-SVG format. However, if you feel a need to experiment in the old-fashioned way, you may buy separate layers under the DIY tag. The last group is very similar to the DIY, but it was optimized to look better when standing without other layers. It’s called PRO*. All styles cover Latin alphabets of Europe, basic Cyrillic and Greek sets.
If you want to try the new OT-SVG format before purchase, you can download a free demo which covers A-Z, but lacks proper spacing and kerning.
Have fun!
Before using the font, read the instructions and specimen attached to font files in the purchased package or download them from the Gallery tab on this site. This will help you avoid making unexpected mistakes when combining layers.
*PRO subfamily release planned in 2019.
Download Novantico Font Family From Typofactura
Download Decorata Font Family From Positype

How many times have you seen lettering on a book cover, poster, or card and wanted to make something similar? Decorata’s eight intertwining weights finally make that possible in an intelligent way. The first major collaboration of its kind, Decorata pairs the talents of supreme lettering artist Martina Flor and masterful type designer Neil Summerour. Lettering was traditionally understood as using words in an artistic way, while type design created written language for easy reading, the one overlapping the other in several ways. For this unique project, Martina created several versions of the alphabet and its decorative layers in her eye-catching style. Neil then took those designs and created an enormous eight-style font family that respects the designer’s need for control and capitalizes on the artist’s expressiveness.
Each style can work separately but, on top of the foundational styles, try placing the Lace, then Filigree in contrasting colors. Use any OpenType-capable program to turn headlines from blasé to wowza, make posters with some pow, and design your own cards with that just-right level of detail. Whatever idea you can imagine with the Decorata family, it promises to be a playful and precise wordsmith where the words themselves are the art.
Decorata’s glyphs are bifurcated, have medium contrast to showcase their intricate interactions, and include Shadow, Regular, Outline, Filigree, Lace, Fancy, Intricate, and Dingbat styles — eight in all. The Regular style sets the word or phrase to begin the design, Shadow ensures it lifts off the background, and Outline attempts to restrain its ornate flair. Think of those as the foundation and use the rest of the styles for flamboyance. The Intricate and Filigree styles vary only in the thickness of the glyphs, with Filigree being thinner. Lace removes the external curls around each letter but keeps the internal negative space from those decorative lines. The Fancy style is a solid lettershape that includes its attendant elements, and the Dingbats are exactly as expected: borders, manicules, patterns, frames, and many stylized items to bring designs to life.