Download Kidsglow Font Family From Good Java Studio

Download Dr Slab™ Font Family From Dharma Type

Extraordinary impact and visual conspicuousness.
Dr Slab is a super 3D serif family for posters, logos and all display.
The basic idea is not a brand new. Stacking type system have been used since before wood type age.
As you imagined, colored wood type(woodcut), many other engravings and contemporary printer machine print many colors separately with different printing plates for each colors.
Dr Slab uses the same system for 3d effect.
Please use Photoshop or Illustrator, or your favorite graphic design apps that can handle layers.
Layers are the printing plates of wood type. You should be able to change text color for each layers.
Dr Slab “Base” style is the core of this font family.
You can add effects by using the other styles(Rim, Shadow, Ext).
1. Type your text as you like.
2. Set font-name “Dr Slab” and font-style “Base”
3. Set color for “Base”.
4. Duplicate the layer which includes “Base” text.
5. Set font-style and color for new layers.
6. Stacked layers in different font-style and color make the text in 3D.
For further detail, https://www.dropbox.com/s/9p9083zv2855bcq/DrSlab.pdf
Dr Slab “Base” style can be used solely.
Rounded slabs add soft, cute and casual impressions to your design.
OpenType Format (.otf) with over 500 glyphs!
Basic Latin ✓
Western Europe ✓
Central Europe ✓
South Eastern Europe ✓
Mac Roman ✓
Windows 1252 ✓
Adobe Latin 1 ✓
Adobe Latin 2 ✓
Adobe Latin 3 ✓
Almost all Latins are covered.
Download URLOP Font Family From Mikołaj Grabowski

Colour is more fun than black, but multicolour is even better. Let me introduce URLOP, a wide type family suitable for your fancy posters, headlines, covers, illustrations, websites, initials, blackmails, chronicles, signboards, poems and many others. Twelve basic styles, which make the overall construction, give a wide range of opportunities. All of them, being able to mix with each other, vary from a thin INSIDE, through a medium FILL, to a double-stem PLUS styles. And then comes a range of colour fonts, so you don’t have to waste any of your precious time for experiments, because I’ve already done it for you!
URLOP is an all-caps display collection consisting of three sub-families of fonts, divided by the usage they are designed for. First of all, there is a wide range of alphabets made in the new OpenType-SVG colour fonts format. This is quite a novelty and a very promising technology at the same time. It allows designers to store colour information inside the font. Due to my experience with layered colour thinking that I explored in my first family - Epilepsja, I decided to make several preset layer combinations in this auspicious format. This sub-group is tagged RGB. Make sure that your field of usage and software support OT-SVG format. However, if you feel a need to experiment in the old-fashioned way, you may buy separate layers under the DIY tag. The last group is very similar to the DIY, but it was optimized to look better when standing without other layers. It’s called PRO*. All styles cover Latin alphabets of Europe, basic Cyrillic and Greek sets.
If you want to try the new OT-SVG format before purchase, you can download a free demo which covers A-Z, but lacks proper spacing and kerning.
Have fun!
Before using the font, read the instructions and specimen attached to font files in the purchased package or download them from the Gallery tab on this site. This will help you avoid making unexpected mistakes when combining layers.
*PRO subfamily release planned in 2019.
Download Mistletoe Font Family From Lauren Ashpole

Mistletoe is a multi-colored OpenType SVG font to brighten up the holiday season. It contains hand drawn, thick serif lettering with a leaf and berry pattern inside. Since it’s an all caps font, it’s ideal for short but large blocks of text.
This package includes the color font plus a single color fallback variation. Color fonts are supported in Illustrator CC 2018 and Photoshop CC 2017 plus Firefox and Microsoft Edge on the web.