Download Horseman Font Family From Ngene

Download Sunkids Font Family From Wacaksara co

Download Java Heritages Font Family From Heybing Supply Co

Java Heritages Typeface is a multi-layered type family with opentype features, inspired by vintage signage that have unique decorative shapes. Comes with 4 font system that can be layered to create different effect (Regular, Drop Shadow, Inner Shadow & Inline).
Java Heritages Typeface includes a full set of character A-Z, as well as multi-lingual support, currency figures, numerals, and punctuation.
Java Heritages Typeface family is perfect for logotype, gig poster, letterhead, dropcap, titles, and any artworks.
Download Conserta Font Family From Konstantine Studio

Inspired by the vintage label and packaging design, we do a very fun research about the typeworks in the old era. We drown too deep in every single reference that we found. Super mesmerized with how each letters flow so uniquely in every brand’s packaging display.
We sum up every idea, build the characters one by one, carefully crafting in every single click, till the day that we've been waiting for finally come.
Proudly present, CONSERTA. A beautiful vintage display serif typeface. Packed up with a bunch of features like Stylistic Alternates, Ligatures, and Oldstyle Numbering, To expand the flow and characteristic in every single letters. Perfectly fit for any of your vintage touch of branding and visual content.
Download Lalonde Font Family From The Thrill of Design

Lalonde Font Family has great readability and can be used for: logos, call outs and headlines for advertising, wedding invitations, t-shirts, signage, scrapbooking, posters, badges, etc.
Lalonde is a modern hand-drawn script font and is available with two formats OTF and TTF and with (Latin-1 Supplement) ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÝ ÑÒÓÔÕÖØŒÙÚÛÜ àáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïñòóôõöðøœùúûüýÿ.