FS Sophie is a seductive type.
A stylish shapely face with a spirited character combining beauty, elegance and modernity. Conceived with curvy lines and angled edges for offbeat advertising and publishing.
Yafferbuddle comes in the category of 'a funky fun font' with a pleasing rounded shape, but it still has the extensive range of features you'd expect in a modern OpenType font. It's especially useful for posters, headlines and comics. There's 5 weights and a Shadow version in Regular and Italic, making 12 fonts in all.
To let you know what's in the font that you might otherwise not suspect . . .
With Discretionary Ligatures on, you get special characters if you type Mc St. Rd. Bd. Ave. c/o No. (p) (P) - include the full-stop/period where given.
With Stylistic Alternates switched on, you get plenty of extra characters - including a WiFi symbol (type Wifi or WiFi) / bullet numbers instead of ordinary numbers / that different U-dieresis / special characters for c/o No. Mc / an upside down ~ / a huge bullet, and different forms for cent, dollar, percent, per-thousand.
As you'd expect, there's all the accented characters for all Western European scripts using Latin letters, and standard ligatures, plus other Open Type features including Class Kerning, Slashed-Zero, Historical Forms, Sub- and Superscript numbers, fractions for halves, thirds and quarters, Ornamental forms giving bullet numbers, etc. There's even some of the more obscure stuff like the main mathematical operators, symbols like card-suits and male/female signs and so on, schwa, U-horn O-horn, and there's more if you can Access All Alternates. Much will depend on what features your software recognises.
Ari Cube Spiro is a typeface one should play with IMHO. There are two styles in this family: regular and bold. Bold is kind of outlineish, extruded, stampstyle font fits perfectly on top or under regular one. Giving thus possibilities for coloring options.
The way I like to use Regular Spiro is to make some words, make fonts to paths, ungrouping, break apart, select all and give selected paths random color. And this all as a vector graphic.
Use this font to create awesome hippie, surfing, book covers, album covers, retro stuff, liquid kind of things and wine bottle labels.
I consider this typeface family original and unique.
There is no kerning with the AriCubeSpiro typeface family, since fonts are designed to overlap each other!
AriCube typefamily will play well with this font.
Alica Don
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