Download Exarros Font Family From Kotak Kuning Studio

Download Nachel Victoria Font Family From HandletterYean

Download RoundCut Font Family From Fábio Mansos

RoundCut Bold is a geometric grotesque typeface, ideal for large sizes (display proposals and headlines). Its structure is modern, strong and bold, noticeable in its minimal and geometrically forms. Although visually simple, the construction of each letter form is complex allowing some expression and uniqueness to the typeface.
Download Staincool Font Family From Viaction Type.Co

Staincool is a layered Font, with a retro style, and is inspired by the artist’s sign painter style. There are 6 layers that are easy to use. Staincool developed from the Stengkol 04 font (https://www.myfonts.com/font/viaction-type/stengkol/) that is added to 3D fonts. This font is perfect for various design purposes such as labels, merchandise, packaging, logotype, sign and more.
The Staincool font is perfect for modern & vintage themes by adjusting the desired color on the 3D layer. This font can be used in Adobe Illustrator & Adobe Photoshop. If you have questions & need help please contact us via message or email.