Download Zachar Font Family From Rosario Nocera

Download Harri™ Font Family From Type-Ø-Tones

Harri –“stone” in Basque language– is a display font based on the peculiar letter forms used in signs and fascias all over the Basque Country. This idiosyncratic lettering style, very often used as an identity signifier, evolved from ancient inscriptions carved on gravestones which can still be found in the French part of the Basque Country.
Download Ravenholm Font Family From NREY

Hello, Friends! Introducing Ravenholm -a new modern gothic font family.
Font looks amazing as single words and as full text blocks.
It has support for many languages as: Czech, Danish and Norwegian, Deutsch, English, Espanol, French, Italiano, Magyar, Nederlands, Portuguese, Finnish, Swedish, Turkish, Russian etc.
Ravenholm font family cast:
- Ravenholm Color (color OTF font)
- Ravenholm Bold
- Ravenholm Inline
- Ravenholm Thin
- Ravenhol Slant
#1 Color fonts are pretty new technology - they currently show up in Photoshop CC 2017+, Illustrator CC 2018 and some Mac apps. Learn more about color font support on third-party apps here: https://www.colorfonts.wtf/
Enjoy it on your best projects!
For any help regarding this font, please feel free to contact me through my profile page and I’ll be glad to offer support.
Thanks for buying!
Download Etruria Font Family From Dima Pole

Font Etruria is based on a real Etruscan inscriptions and realistic accurately simulates the writing of the Etruscans. The idea of the font Etruria is to give an opportunity for anyone to touch the past of mankind!
The character of the Etruscan alphabet involves the creation of a font with only uppercase letters. However, I did not limit this font by that. Etruria has not only a lowercase is different from uppercase, but an additional sets of alternative characters.
In General, the main characteristic of Etruscan writing is randomness and diversity of characters. Differs from lowercase to uppercase is only the first step on the road to make randomness effect. Next to the aid of the OT features. To recreate the randomness effect, in Etruria there are several OT features (Contextual Alternates, Stylistic Alternates and Stylistic Sets), which built a script to simulate randomness. Additionally, another script creates the effect of random positioning. Together they create incredibly realistic Etruscan inscription.
Thus, any of these features can be disabled at will. I also used a small line spacing, because it is characteristic of the Etruscan writing.
Actually the Etruscan writings is a mirror of the writings compared with the current European alphabets. I didn't use this feature all the letters, because this would make the font difficult to perceive, but to make the font characteristic of the Etruscan style, Etruria has a few letters in mirror image. However, if for someone it may seem unusual, mirrored letters can be disabled instead of them will appear more familiar to them.
Another feature of Etruscan writing is the use instead of a space dotacentered. Font Etruria has this feature, there is a OT feature Stylistic set ss03. Naturally, it also can optionally be disabled.
All these features can be used together, separately, or turn it off.
The main goal achieved! The text typed in Etruria, creates full impression of these Etruscan inscriptions.